Farmers Market Fun


It’s finally the weekend and that means one thing – my local farmer’s market is here! Alika and I wait for it with anticipation every week. Why, you may ask, when you have 24/7 access to endless food at chain grocery stores? Here’s a few reasons why I like shopping local:

  • You support your local economy by giving back to small farmers who operate in your region, rather than larger corporations
  • Although not necessarily organic or GMO-free, most farmers markets utilize smaller farms that don’t abuse pesticides or altered organisms
  • TASTE! You can tell the produce has not been frozen or transported long distances the minute you bite into that peach. You get better flavors all around
  • Price – at least at my farmers market. By buying in-season produce there, I am not tempted to buy those pretty looking mangoes for $3 each, and am able to buy more veggies than I would at a normal grocery store
  • Eating seasonally is awesome! Although I do like having what I want when I want it (sometimes), the farmers market each week challenges me to create new dishes based on what I can find there! By rotating different fruits and veggies through your diet, you’re also able to get a wider variety of nutrients year-round. This is a great site to see what is in season now!
  • By avoiding large grocery stores, I’m able to avoid all the traps they hold as well! I’m not tempted to buy that bag of pita chips because now, when I go to the store, I have a very precise list of things to buy because I go less often!

Time to dream up a recipe with all my veggies!


Happy shopping,


Killer Full Body Workout


Hey guys! As you know, I love lifting. But every once in a while, I’ll come across a new workout and shake up my routine. Today I want to challenge you with a full body workout that I found. I did it a couple days ago, and by the third set, I was sweating balls. Seriously, this thing is a killer. But I felt extremely exhausted so good afterwards. It also didn’t take a long time to complete, so it was perfect for my busy schedule.

30 Jumping Squats

15 Push ups

15 Burpees

50 Mountain Climbers

20 Lunges (12 each side)

15 V-Crunches

50 Russian Twists

45 Second Plank

Take a 2 minute break and repeat 2 more times.

Good Luck!


Let’s Talk about Lats


Full disclosure: that’s not me. But I wish it was! No other exercise shows off the same level of badassery in the gym as the pull-up. But I know you all remember the dreaded middle school fitness test – pull-ups are hard. Especially so for women, because the necessary muscles to perform a pull-up aren’t typically as strong as in men. There are many muscles and techniques involved in training towards doing a pull-up (something we’re doing as well), but today we are going to focus on the Lats aka the Latissimus Dorsi.

Beautiful Back Muscles

The back is full of compound muscles, with the lats being two of the biggest. They are responsible for any movement that happens in your shoulders – rotation, abduction and flexion. They are also connected to your lower back and pelvis and help to stabilize your body whenever you lift or lower your arms. Basically, they have a big job to do.

Training them correctly is a great way to build strength and stability, as well as move towards that pull-up!


Here are some of my favorite lat training exercises, along with links to’s pages for each exercise. I use their site frequently to learn proper technique! Use as much weight as you feel comfortable with, but that you still reach exhaustion by the last rep.

Not all of these work just your Lats – but remember that the back is a complex web of muscles that all work together for strength. Let me know what your favorite Lat workout is!

Happy Lifting,



My Ginger Tea Obsession


Though I can’t live without my daily cup of coffee, I have also slowly become a tea addict. I love trying new flavors like pomegranate or apple tea, but ginger tea has become my biggest obsession. The slight spiciness of the ginger mixed with a bit of lemon or honey, makes for one of the best tasting and most beneficial teas you could ever drink.

For centuries, ginger has been used as a natural remedy for various ailments because of its numerous antioxidants and minerals. Specifically, ginger tea…

Relieves Stress! It is perfect for you workaholics or students with too much homework. Ginger tea is so relaxing and soothing that with just one sip, I guarantee your negative thoughts will disappear.

Relieves Pain! Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties which help aid sore muscles and prevent joint pain. It can also help with fatigue. So after a long tiring workout, make sure to drink a warm (or cold!) cup of ginger tea.

Fights against respiratory problems! When cold season comes around, ginger tea will be especially beneficial in aiding runny noses or coughs. Ginger tea will loosen the phlegm and create a warm feeling within your body.

Combats Stomach discomfort! Ginger tea aid in digestion, which is why I particularly love drinking it after a large meal or before I go to sleep. It prevents bloating and increases food absorption, especially when you may overeat or have a bad meal.

and Boosts Immunity! Ginger’s anti-oxidant properties strengthen the immune system. According to researchers, drinking one cup a day can prevent potential risks of a stroke by breaking down the fatty deposits that clog arteries. It also lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart attacks. 

Did I convince you enough?

ImageFresh ginger tea is wonderful. Add lemon or honey to enhance the flavor and give the tea a slight tangy or sweet flavor. But if you are short on time, I would buy tea bags of ginger tea. My favorite is Yogi Tea, a brand that makes the tea not too strong, but not too light. Also, their inspirational quotes on every tea bag always uplift my mood. 

Give it a try, and let me know what you think!

Is there a particular tea you love? 

Cheers, Alika

The Many Shades of Lunges


I’ll admit: I have a love-hate relationship with lunges.

They hurt so much, but produce such beautiful results.

I’m sure you have incorporated lunges into your workout at some point in your life, but if you’re like me, you get easily bored of your workout routine and need ideas to shake them up. Lunges, just like any exercise, can become monotonous, which is why I try to incorporate variations of the move into many of my workouts (even if it isn’t leg day).

First, let me tell you why lunges are one of the best moves you could ever do. Unlike squats, lunges require a step forward, backward or sideways with one leg. As you transfer your weight from one leg to the other, your balance is tested, giving your core a workout too. The main muscles that are worked during this move are the quads, but the glutes, hamstrings and even calves get a work out too. While squats engage more muscles all at once, lunges are perfect for beginners (or anyone) to tone up the legs and loosen the muscles. Performing lunges before and after a workout, like running or soccer, can disperse the build up of lactic acid and lessens the chance for injury.

Traditionally, lunges are performed by alternating each leg while remaining stationary; however, there are several variations to meet every fitness level.

These are the lunges that I incorporate into my routine! Unless otherwise stated, I generally perform 3 sets of 20 reps (or 10 on each side) for each lunge exercise.

Alternating leg lunges (optional weights in each hand). 

Walking lunges (optional weights). I usually do about 50-100 on legs day.

Static lunges: Plant one foot ahead, as if already doing a lunge, and perform only the up and down movement as the feet stay stationary. Don’t forget to switch! (optional weights). This exercise is great for those who have knee issues.

Side lunges: Move one leg out to the side and sit back and down as if performing a squat. You will feel the stretch in the inner thighs.

Twisting lunge: Perform the basic alternating leg lunges, except twist with a dumbbell, kettle bell or medicine ball towards the side of the front leg.

Backwards Lunges: Perform alternating leg lunges or walking lunges by moving your leg backwards instead of forwards.

Raised arm lunges: Keep you arms lifted in the air as you perform alternating leg lunges or walking lunges. It will engage different core muscles. Don’t be afraid to add a medicine ball or dumbbells in your raised hands for an added challenge.

Curtsy/ Skater lunges (Sarah’s Favorite!) : This move is performed laterally like the side lunges. Place one leg behind the other as if doing a curtsy, and squat down with your weight distributed on your front leg. The front leg will remain flat, while the back foot has the heel raised off the floor.

Raised leg lunges: Step far in front of a bench, couch or chair, and then place one leg back on it with only the ball of your foot touching. It will look like a lunge, except your back leg will be raised on to whatever you are using. (It is easy to lose balance during this move, so make sure your core is tight and your legs are positioned properly). Continue the exercise as if performing a static lunge and moving up and down. (Optional weights in each hand)

Static lunges with a barbell: Place the barbell on your shoulders/ traps as if you would do when performing a squat, and position one leg in front of the other like a normal lunge. Perform only the up and down movement, and then repeat on other leg. (Remember, since you will be shifting your weight to one leg, the weight on your barbell should be considerably less (or half) than with what you usually squat.)

Exploding lunges (My Favorite!): This move is great for your HIIT workouts or a quick cardio exercise. Start with feet together, and arms in prayer position front of your chest (or something similar so they don’t flap around). Quickly jump up and split your legs into a lunge position. Remain there for less than a second and jump up again, splitting into a lunge with the other foot forward. Repeat for at least 20 reps (or 10 on each side). It will look like this.

What other lunges do you like to do?

Are there any other particular exercises you love/ hate to do?

Happy lunging!
